Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thing 20

I think youtube is very funny and very entertaining. This time when I went to the site the videos didn't play that well and I really didn't get to watch many because they kept on skipping. Although the videos were skipping this video was the one I like the best, it's called the" kitty cat dance "and it would be worth putting on this blog if I could figure it out. I think that this video is worth it because it is funny and very very cute you have to go see it. I think the funny parts of youtube would be nice in library websites but I wouldn't want it to be to much of a distraction. I know that there are funny videos up on youtube of the library at Staff Day and I think it would be cute if they were up there on library websites because it relates to the library.

Thing 19

I explored the short award winning sites and the main one that I chose was Arcaplay on the category of Games. This site won first place for games. I thought it was cool so I played a few. When I played the games I went into the beginner section and I still lost them all. ^_^ Computer stuff is pretty hard for me even when it is supposed to be easy. I also thought that some of the games were silly. The first one I play was a dog who had to throw bones over a fence and hit a cat. I played the dog and I never got the bones over the fence but I did get hit in the head a few time with a fish. I can see why the site one first place.

Thing 18

For this task I explored and made a Zoho Writer account. I enjoyed making a test document which I mainly used to tell a little about myself for those who do not know. I titled it Test Document: A little about myself. I thought that it was a very nice an helpful tool. I like all the different links you could go to on your account such as the notebook, planner, and chat. I think all of the tools on the Zoho could be very useful. I liked learning about this task because I think it was very interesting.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thing 15

After reading the first article " Away from Icebergs" I just thought to myself for a second and this is what I thought the article hat was talked about problems and disasters in the library system but I do not see and disaster nor do I see any problems at all with the way the library systems are currently. The whole thing about making it easier for patrons to find information is a good idea....But having a library on the Internet? I couldn't even tell you how that would work. We have information on the Internet and I think having a library in each area for people to use is good enough. Too much cant be expected because many changes are being made and I think that small changes are all that have to be made not drastic ones.

I started to read the next article and it made more sense then the last. I was starting to enjoy it but by the second paragraph it must have said "This Librarian" a million times....I couldn't take it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thing 14

I'm not sure if I started this out correct or not because I wasn't sure where to put the key word "Library 2.0" into.....Tags? Blog Directory? I just didn't see that but I might be blind. ^_^

I put the key work "Library 2.0" into the section of Posts. When I did this I found different comments from people and their opinions where you could leave comments in response to what that had to say about Library 2.0. Their opinions included things like news and web resources ,major challenges in the Library 2.0 world and conceptual Web 2.0 issues to practical advice regarding library funding elections.

After I put the key word into the section Post's I then put the same key word into the section blogs and I found a listing of websites regarding Library 2.0, libraries, and technology.

After I visited the top favorite blog, top searched and top blogs I thought that the amounts of member for these different blogs was amazing. I also thought that the top searches and top blogs were very up to date and interesting topics that everyone is curious about.

Thing 13

When it comes to thing 13 , at first I was a little confused and really didn't know what to think about it. I then made a account thinking well maybe if I make my own I might understand it better. But for some reason I just did not catch on. I think that this could have been a helpful tool for organization and keeping in touch with people and different topics the you are interested in but I still didn't really figure out how everything worked. I wish that I could have had a better understanding with this task.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thing 16

I took a look at some of the different types of wikis and I thought that they would be helpful, but a few were a lot alike. Each one of them helps you find different facts and tips about a certain topic and helps you find articles relating to that topic. I thought a few of them such as the Book Lovers Wiki and The Bull Run Library wiki were cute because they only revolved around books which to me would give more information to someone such as a librarian about books than the others. But for those who are looking for information on topics that have nothing to do with books they are not going to be able to find what they need. I like the idea of a site that helps you find facts and information but I think that they should differ some how because a million sites with the same purpose aren't going to be used if everyone is only using one of those sites.

Thing 12

After exploring Rollyo....

I liked the personal search engine. I think a tool like this one can be very useful. It reminds me of a favorites section except from this website you can get other sites that relate to the topic you are interested in and you can make it more personal. I created a search scroll for a couple different category's that I like such as shopping and art.

Thing 11

I thought the the LibraryThing was pretty cool. I enjoyed looking through the different types of things you could add to your library. I liked posting a few books that I have read in my own library and posting things about myself to share with others. The only thing that I found confusing was when I filled in information boxes the information I put in the boxes would disappear when I returned to the page. Talk about weird ...I couldn't figure out how to save it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Thing 10

I thought that the image generaters were very interesting. I had fun making dolls with different expressions and characteristics.

Thing 9

The easiest method of finding feeds that I used was feedster. I thought that the layout of the site made it very easy to search a topic such as Politics, Top News, Gaming, Technology, and Entertainment. The articles and information were up to date and seemed reliable giving instant knowledge without having to struggle to find it.

Thnig 8

After using the RSS Feeds I found that it would be very helpful to use if you needed to know information about a specific topic. The RSS feeds would be a good use for students who had to research a specific topic for a project because they could find a variety of resources. One of the topics that I subscribed to involved cats and other animals where I was able to find articles, cute pictures, and information.