Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thing 14

I'm not sure if I started this out correct or not because I wasn't sure where to put the key word "Library 2.0" into.....Tags? Blog Directory? I just didn't see that but I might be blind. ^_^

I put the key work "Library 2.0" into the section of Posts. When I did this I found different comments from people and their opinions where you could leave comments in response to what that had to say about Library 2.0. Their opinions included things like news and web resources ,major challenges in the Library 2.0 world and conceptual Web 2.0 issues to practical advice regarding library funding elections.

After I put the key word into the section Post's I then put the same key word into the section blogs and I found a listing of websites regarding Library 2.0, libraries, and technology.

After I visited the top favorite blog, top searched and top blogs I thought that the amounts of member for these different blogs was amazing. I also thought that the top searches and top blogs were very up to date and interesting topics that everyone is curious about.

1 comment:

FrFrFrFrankie said...

I like this one. You used a lot of different colors. Your blog's looking really nice!